Saturday, December 31, 2005


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department is investigating who disclosed a secret domestic eavesdropping operation approved by President George W. Bush after the September 11 attacks, officials said on Friday.

"We are opening an investigation into the unauthorized disclosure of classified materials related to the NSA," a Justice Department official said on condition of anonymity.


It takes a set to demand an investigation after the WH knew the Times had this story for a year, especially since they had no intention of investigating who leaked Valerie Plame's identity to the press. Why didn't they take the Times to task last year? Because it was, say it with me, election season. Let's hope Abramoff takes the lot of them down before the next one.


Pudentilla writes letters.


Granny, fully and completely:

Now they are having a witch hunt to find out who wasn't covering up the President's crime!

Imagine that type of response to Valerie Plame

to 9/11

to Tom DeLay's appropriating fe[d]eral property.

Imagine if they hadn't permitted so many of their friends to destroy evidence of ongoing investigations. Anthrax, 9/11, Ohio...

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