Sunday, December 4, 2005

The Death Penalty . . . revisited

Since I started a ruckus with my smartass post last night, let's take it one further, even at the risk of the Secret Service giving me a cavity search. A question.

Suppose George W. Bush (and associates) is impeached, faces trial, and is found guilty of all the crimes we here in Left Blogtopia (y!sctp!*) accuse him of (humor me please). Pretty severe stuff, right? Remember, we're talking about the premeditated murder of over 2100 U.S. troops, and the conspiracy to commit those murders. Do we demand the death penalty for him?

We do have a federal death penalty available.

*yes! skippy coined that phrase!

You guys are an enlightened bunch. Most of you would demand jail time, though specify hard time. I also like the idea of turning him over to the International Court as a capital-building move with the rest of the world. I gather stringing his rotting corpse up in the Rotunda of the Capitol and leaving it there as an example to others who'd contemplate similar crimes is sorta out of the question, huh?

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