Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Fucking Greenpeace?

Or, J. Edgar Hoover lives.

WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 - Counterterrorism agents at the Federal Bureau of Investigation have conducted numerous surveillance and intelligence-gathering operations that involved, at least indirectly, groups active in causes as diverse as the environment, animal cruelty and poverty relief, newly disclosed agency records show.


One F.B.I. document indicates that agents in Indianapolis planned to conduct surveillance as part of a "Vegan Community Project." Another document talks of the Catholic Workers group's "semi-communistic ideology." A third indicates the bureau's interest in determining the location of a protest over llama fur planned by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.


It would be something if they actually monitored conversations between...say...White Supremacists (remember Tim McVeigh) and other subversive groups (though still illegal without a warrant, understandable), but no, we're watching fucking Greenpeace. We're watching a bunch of vegetarians.

This has absolutely nothing to do with keeping America safe. This has everything to do with keeping an eye on the Chimp's political 'enemies'.


"You look at these documents," Ms. Beeson said, "and you think, wow, we have really returned to the days of J. Edgar Hoover, when you see in F.B.I. files that they're talking about a group like the Catholic Workers league as having a communist ideology."


The FBI should be dragging the Chimp and his henchmen out of the White House in handcuffs, not bugging the phones of fucking tree huggers.

Great thanks to Rising Hegemon for the link.

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