Tuesday, December 6, 2005

He's even a bad liar

Huntsu at BlueJersey directs us to Paul Mulshine:


What bothers me is that of late his lies are so obvious that even the boobs can see through them. I allude, of course, to his recent attempts to placate his base with an alleged "crackdown" on illegal immigration.


And consider the Bush administration's push to grant driver's licenses to illegal aliens. If he's going to send home all those who are violating our immigration laws, why will the violators need driver's licenses?

I suspect that even the dimmest of the dim bulbs out there in the red states can see through this spin. But if my e-mail is any indication, many of them are still buying the spin on the Iraq war. Bush made a speech about that last week as well, this time in Annapolis. He somehow refrained from dressing up in that Navy flight suit again, but the speech was full of the usual lies and evasions that have followed since the unraveling of the mission his spin doctors once portrayed as accomplished.


Now, if only the Dems can get up this kind of rhetoric, they might actually win something next Fall.

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