Thursday, December 8, 2005

Insurgent Using Chemical Weapons-On Themselves?

via BoingBoing:

Insurgents Using Chem Weapons - On Themselves?

This has to be the most bizarre twist in the WMD saga yet. Insurgents in Iraq could very well have chemical weapons. And they may be using them - on themselves.
The story starts over a year ago with a Marine blogger in Iraq. On June 2nd 2004 "The Green Side" - we'll get back to the signficance of this source later - describes suicidal attacks by insurgents in Fallujah: "We could not understand why they kept coming but they did." The reason, it turned out, was drugs: "...these 'holy warriors' are taking drugs to get high before attacks. It true, as we pushed into the town in April many Marines came across drug paraphernalia (mostly heroin). Recently, we have gotten evidence of them using another drug BZ that makes them high and very aggressive."

BZ is not your typical substance of abuse. It's a hallucinogenic chemical weapon. This weird concept originated in the 1950's when "better living through chemistry" was a slogan to live by and warfare without blood was the goal.

The full article makes for some interesting reading.

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