Thursday, December 1, 2005

Liberalism does equal family vaules

From the great Bob Geiger:


Gee, let's see, just off the top of my head, these are some of my values:
  • Number One: Treating others the way you yourself would want to be treated
  • Equality for all
  • Protection of privacy
  • Security for the country
  • A healthy environment
  • Telling the truth
  • Caring for others, especially those less fortunate than you - giving to charities like Habitat for Humanity
  • Health care for all
  • A fair and balanced government
  • Separation of Church and State
  • Freedom of Religion
  • The right to dissent
  • Freedom of Speech
  • I'd like to know which of these are not family values, and why.


    Conservative 'Family Values' = Fuck everybody but me.

    And just a note: Didja ever see somebody and swear you know 'em from somewhere? I know I recognize Bob from somewhere and it's making me nuts. I'm praying it wasn't that gay bar in ... never mind.

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