Sunday, December 4, 2005


Tom Gilroy at HuffPo

Think, for one second, of all this administration has done. Has there been one thing that made you feel safer, that made you feel someone's in charge, that your rights and well-being were secure? Has there been one thing they've done that hasn't been a scandal of mismanagement, corruption or fraud? Has there been one thing - just one - that they've said that hasn't been an outright laughable lie?

That's what it feels like when your country's occupied.

Remember, these are people who have lied about everything and stolen everything in the public coffer that wasn't nailed down. They lied and sent young Americans to die in a uniform they themselves couldn't ever be bothered to put on.

This utter lack of certainty about your life is the absence of freedom. It's what happens when your country has been taken over by a hostile, occupying force. Nothing is safe. You government has been invaded by a cabal of thieves intent upon dismantling all you take for granted, all you've invested in, all you hold dear. That government Grover Norquist wants to drown in the bathtub? That's you.

But you, what are you gonna do? Cut and run? Or will you do what any patriot would do when they realize their family, their town, their kids, their schools, their banking system, their food, their water, their medicine, their transit system, their healthcare - their very way of life - is under siege?

Do what you know must be done before the next disaster strikes.

Impeach them.

This guy is way pissed and as articulate as I wish I could be. Go read the rest.

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