Saturday, December 10, 2005

The stench of hypocrisy 12

Now, we know how the wingnuts like to wrap themselves in their own icons, the, 10 Commandments, the Bible, Christmas, stuff like that. Have we forgotten Judge Roy Moore so quickly? Well anyway, T. Rex takes a look at how the wingnuts...manage their sins.


Lust: Unlawful sexual desire, such as desiring sex with a person outside marriage.

This one is a no-brainer. The list of adulterers on the right is seemingly endless.


Greed: A desire to possess more than one has need or use for

The whole right-wing philosophy in America seems to be based on greed. Pro-corporation, pro-tax cuts for the rich, pro-anything is okay if it makes a profit.


Remember, people who live in glass houses shouldn't get stoned.

I got an aunt (sort of), old German who lives around the corner. She was my mom's best friend. Roman Catholic to the core and I respect her for it. Might not agree but she lives her faith. She doesn't curse or lie and if anybody's going to heaven, she is. She thinks Bush is an idiot too, by the way. Her faith gives her strength, not a shield. She doesn't use her faith to defend her actions, she lives her faith and no one questions them.

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