Saturday, December 31, 2005

The Weather Gods Are Laughing At Me. Again.

I am typing as fast as my poor bruised little index finger can handle, hoping it doesn't happen again.

I just wrote a real long post about our local weather: road closures, power outages, way too many weekenders/New Year's celebrants, etc., with links to all kinds of shit for your amusement and edification. Maybe an hour's worth. As I was moving the cursor from the final 'period' towards 'publish', the power went off for the second time today. Lasted less than thirty seconds, but -poof!- the post was gone.

I think the weather gods were trying to tell me it was too long and nobody would care anyway. I can take a hint. I won't try to duplicate it. You're saved.

Howsomever, in the course of my research I discovered the absolute best webcam site I've yet seen. Go click around my state and my mountains. I'm going to. There's even a 'Shamu, The Killer Whale' one! Whee!

Happy New Year, folks. '06 is going to be lots better.

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