Friday, December 2, 2005

Why we should leave Iraq

That Colored Fella puts his finger on it. One paragraph says it all:


Those on the Right also want us to believe that the inked Iraqi people are unified in their thirst for Western style democracy, and we cannot 'cut and run' until we deliver what we promised. Yet, Murtha enunciated those sober, and no doubt, surprising statistics to many Americans - 80% percent of Iraqis want an immediate withdrawal of Coalition troops, while 45% percent believe it's perfectly fine to kill any of them, in the meantime. [my em]


80% of them want us out; almost half of 'em think it's fine to kill us. Fuck what American public opinion says, it's their country. That's good enough for me.


And Neil explains why we won't:


There's not much blood in a human body; a little over a gallon. There are 112.5 billion barrels of "proven reserves" under Iraq. So that's only about 2,000 gallons of blood we're trading for 4 trillion 725 billion gallons of oil. That's a mere 1 gallon of American blood for every 2.375 billion gallons of oil. To these oilmen that's the Deal of the Century. That's better than the Louisiana Purchase. That's better than beads for Manhattan.


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