Thursday, December 1, 2005

Will someone please punch this asshole's lights out...

Under the heading "Braindead Media", from Think Progress, with a video link.

On Today Show, O'Reilly Compares Murtha With Hitler Sympathizers

Bill O'Reilly on the Today Show this morning:

These pin-heads running around going, "Get out of Iraq now" don't know what they are talking about. These are the same people before Hitler invaded in WWII that were saying, "He's not such a bad guy." They don't get it.

Jesus fucking Christ, mention Hitler in the same sentence with the Republican of your choice and watch what happens! I guess IOKIYAR.

And from Media Matters on the "Liberal War on Christians", with an audio link if you can stand listening to his bullshit:

According to O'Reilly, the "secular progressive" movement has three elements:

* First, progressive financiers George Soros and Peter Lewis "pour money into the ACLU [American Civil Liberties Union], they pour money into the smear websites, you know, they buy up a lot of media time."
* Second, "the ACLU is their legal arm. ... [T]he ACLU runs around the country suing everybody and intimidating people."
* Third, "the smear websites are their media arm."

O'Reilly said these three elements operate "in tandem":

O'REILLY: [Y]ou use your left-wing smear websites to go after anybody who stands up for Christmas. If you stand up for Christmas, they come after you. So the tandem intimidates. The tandem intimidates. Suing on one hand; smearing on the other hand.

The result? According to O'Reilly:

O'REILLY: In every secular progressive country, they've wiped out religion ... Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, all of them. That's the first step. Get the religion out of there, so that we can impose our big-government, progressive agenda.

He got the last sentence kinda backwards. It should have been "Get the religion IN there, so that we can impose our big-government fascist agenda". And since when are the Soviet Union, Red China, the Third Reich and Castro's Cuba "progressive"? What a fucking dipshit!

But wait! There's more! From Free Democracy:

FOX News and Bill O'Reilly Selling "Holiday Items" While Crying about "The War on Christmas"

Bill O'Reilly and FOX News have been CRYING about a "War on Christmas" and how the LEFT is using the word "Holiday" instead of "Christmas".

Well if you go to FOX News here is what you'll find:

FOX News Channel Ornament Set - 3 pack - Product #:FOX21000700
Make your holiday tree really festive with a set of 3 ornaments from your favorite Fair and Balanced news channel

What a buncha hypocritical lyin' money-grubbing bastards! GRRRR!

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