Saturday, January 7, 2006

Distinguished Marines Commemorative Stamps

Several years ago, I got a bunch of signatures on a petition to put Chesty Puller on a stamp. It finally happened. His stamp, along with three others, was issued on 10 November 2005. I tried to get them at my local post office but they never got them. I went to Reno the other day and the gal at the 'big city' Post Office had a drawer full of them. Click the links for a picture of the stamps and a bio of each of these distinguished Marines:

GySgt."Manila John" Basilone - Medal of Honor at Guadalcanal, KIA on Iwo Jima.

SgtMaj. Dan Daly - Famous for the phrase "Come on you sonsabitches! Ya wanta live forever?" at Belleau Wood in WWI.

LtGen. John A. LeJeune - Considered the father of the modern Marine Corps. His Birthday Message of 1921 is still read aloud on Marine Corps Birthday.

BGen. Lewis B. Puller - What can I say? Good night, Chesty, wherever you are.

I put the enlisted men first because that's what good officers do.

Buy some stamps too. Don't worry - they're self-stick. I checked before I bought 'em. It makes me a little queasy to think of turnin' Marines over and lickin' 'em! Shouldn't bother you squids though! (wink)

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