Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Fearless Leader's SOTU: STFU!

We all know what a heck-of-a-job Fearless Leader has done and of course he will get on the TeeVee tonight to tell us about it, platitude after platitude, in his SOTU address. According to CNN Dear Leader's topics will include everything from the insane to the looney:

America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the world... The best way to break this addiction is through technology...

There must be calls for Congress to renew the USA Patriot Act and make permanent the tax cuts passed in 2001... and plans to expand tax deductions for medical expenses and allow people to put more money in tax-deductible health savings accounts.

Shorter SOTU: I've wrapped myself in the Stars and Stripes, God is on my side, so be afraid, very afraid. We're after bin Laden, New Orleans is looking better every day and Iraq is paying for itself. I am your great and powerful Leader so it's OK if I lie to you. (Yay Peggy Noonan.)

Gordon mentioned a SOTU drinking game, but if you watch the actual SOTU, you may just throw up before you have a chance to drink anything.

And the best for last: Wesley Clark offers a superb Democratic rebuttal. Clark's SOTU deserves your time and attention. Good night and good luck.

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