Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Fox News Fans the Hysteria

Counterpunch has an article on Faux News role in promoting the upcoming war with Iran.

A majority of Americans have now been deceived twice on the same issue. Just as there was no evidence that Iraq was developing nuclear weapons, there is no evidence that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. There is nothing but unproven assertions, assertions, moreover, that are contradicted by the evidence that does exist. Americans, it would appear, are so anxious for wars that they welcome being fooled into them.

Why, then, is the American population being whipped up by the Bush administration and Fox "News" into war hysteria against Iran?

Fox is aggressively agitating for war with Iran. On shows such as Hannity and Combs, guest after guest--Newt Gingrich, Ollie North, various retired generals, pundits, and even Democratic politicians--agitate for attacking Iran.

For example, on January 26th and 27th Liberal Democrat Bob Beckel said on Fox that the US must "absolutely" attack Iran if for no other reason than "for the sake of Israel." Democrat Bill Richardson affirmed that "we need to renew and re-strengthen our commitment to Israel." Newt Gingrich said that it is so urgent to attack Iran that it must happen within the next few months. According to Gingrich, Iran not only cannot be trusted with nuclear technology, but also Iranians "cannot be trusted with their oil."

There's that little three-letter word again. Seems to crop up a lot in conjunction with the words "Middle East", doesn't it?

Hell, the damn ragheads don't like us and might sell their oil to China. We can't let 'em do that now, can we? Let's just bomb the livin' crap out of 'em and steal it. It's ours anyway. Jesus said so.

Compared to attacking Iran, attacking Iraq was a small if reckless risk. Nevertheless, the unexpected consequences of the US invasion of Iraq have prevented the Bush administration from achieving its goals.

Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda must be marveling at the rank stupidity of the American people. Maybe Fox "News" only pretends to be the Ministry of War Propaganda for the Bush administration and is really in the employ of al Qaeda.

Just a couple of months ago, I would have said that even this administration isn't stupid enough to attack Iran, given the deterioration they have caused to the military, let alone the common sense involved in not doing that.

I've changed my mind. Their little dream world could easily become even more of a nightmare for the rest of us than it already is. They are plenty stupid and evil enough, and they have a stupid and evil enabler in F** Noise to spread the fake word.

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