Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Freeping Murtha

The lovely and courageous Pam documents the wingnuts freaking out over Murtha's statement he wouldn't volunteer for military service if he were of age today.


"Same here. Defeatists in war nauseate me. If he doesn't support the goal of bringing freedom to Iraq, then he should come out and say so. But to just sit there and whine that it can't be done while there are young men literally dying to achieve it, and still pretend that he's on their side, is just contemptible."

"Murtha probably wouldn't have joined back then either if he was the person then that he is now. If he thinks Iraq is wrong, then Vietnam must've been far worse."

"Knowing Marines, my uncle was a marine in the pacific in WWII, I can say with great knowledge that this man would be rejected by the Marines today. He wouldn't have to worry about enlisting."


These clowns ain't fit to lick the sweat off John Murtha's balls.

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