Sunday, January 1, 2006

More than corruption #2

Dave's got more on this. Looks like the old enemy is at it again:

When I put up this post asking if maybe the "conservative movement" Republicans were really dupes of the Russians or the Chinese, I sure didn't expect to get my answer a few hours later.


It seems that everyone in the world understood that the Republican leadership was on the take. Do ya think maybe foreign intelligence services might have also known? Do ya think that maybe some of the really, really strange things these right-wing clucks have been doing to the country might maybe have been the result of a few (or more) million dollars changing hands? I suspect this is only the very first on foreign influence of the so-called "conservative movement."


Links aplenty.

Not one to toot my own horn, but I called this years ago. Anybody who's read my books, specifically Plain Sight, The Fourth Estate Lightning Crashes, and Technocracy knows my feelings about foreign corporate influence on the U.S. political system.

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