Wednesday, January 4, 2006

...the sailor, home from the sea...

A little sea time got that old squid Dem Vet refreshed and re-fired. Just go read 'til your eyes hurt. A sample about "Preznit Tinpot Commissar":

Other than the fact that he either skipped, slept or was hung-over or stoned during High School civics, he just never seems to get the part where he's not the King. I guess he figures that all his political capital will help him bully congress into submission.

Whining is particularly unattractive in grown men. But then, alot of what makes Bunnypants such a loser is unattractive, so what's another negative? Such a fucking loser. I wonder how much "buyers remorse" there really is?

We'll find out in November, and that'll be here sooner than we think. A whining Penis-With-Ears will make a great campaign commercial...

I hope they put that one on during the Superbowl!

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