Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Santorum is an idiot

I didn't pay much attention to this at first until I read this piece by Blondie:

With all due respect for your selfless service and devotion to the country in the senate, are you insane? Do you really think that a citizen who puts your bumper sticker on their car is akin to putting on a uniform and serving in the military to fight a war that you voted for and support while our troops are being stretched too thin? Well of course you do, but I don't. Even if you asked people to put a "Support Our Troops" ribbon on their car rather than put on a uniform, I'd still think you were crazy (with all due respect, of course). You can never have enough troops in a country like ours. How can we possibly have more wars without troops? Does anyone even think of that while war planning is going on?


In a word, my lovely neighbor (she lives about 10 miles from me), no. They didn't think of anything but their own political and financial skins.

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