Friday, January 6, 2006

Wal-Mart again...

This one takes the fucking cake for cultural insensitivity, or blatant racism, or both. From the EssEffChron:

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is shutting down the system that creates movie recommendations on its shopping Web site after it linked a "Planet of the Apes" DVD to films about famous black Americans, including Martin Luther King Jr.

Wal-Mart said Thursday it had removed what it called the "offensive combinations" from a page advertising a boxed DVD set, "Planet of the Apes: The Complete TV Series."

Under a "similar items" section, the DVD set's page linked shoppers to four films about the lives of King, actress Dorothy Dandridge, boxer Jack Johnson and singer Tina Turner. Wal-Mart later altered the page to link with television show DVDs.

I got nothing against a little ethnic humor. I know jokes that could get me killed if I lost my mind and told 'em where they could hurt people's feelings. This one's no joke, and it ain't funny.

It's a little too pat to be an 'accident', seems to me. Some computer clerk is probably laughin' his scrawny white ass off at his 'porch monkey' gag.

I got a good gag for ya: find this prick and drop him off in Oakland. Or Harlem. Better yet, CAFKIA's house. We'll see just how funny it is to those guys.

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