Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Yeah, why?

Jaye at Blondie's asks a question:

...(Since the wire taps are allegedly on phone conversations between terrorist and American citizens, why aren't these terrorist part of the world wide round up against terror lead by Sheriff Bush?)...

That's what bugs me most (aside from the normal civil rights worries). With this administration's penchant for PR, why haven't all (or any) of these folks they've been 'monitoring' been drug before the cameras in irons? Look at what we heard about the 'Lakawanna Six', about the 'Paintball Seven', Jose Padilla, and that nut in Ohio who thought he could take down the Brooklyn Bridge with a blowtorch. All the noecons were dancing around like the Rockettes when those arrests became public. Don't you think Bush, with all his cowboy bravado, would have pointed to something to prove his illegal data mining was indeed "protectin' the 'murican people"; especially at a time when he desperately needs a PR coup?

Because, as I hope we will find out sooner rather than later, this illegal wiretap had nothing to do with terrorism and everything to do with politics. The ghost of Richard Milhous is definitely haunting 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

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