Friday, February 10, 2006


Escaping the attention of the mainstream media at the end of January was a panel held by mental-health professionals at the National Press Club in Washington, in which it was revealed that up to one-third of Iraq war Veterans will suffer from some degree of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).


[Deputy Chief Consultant for Mental Health Services at the Department of Veterans Affairs] Zeiss said 120,000 soldiers have sought health care, and that 31 percent of them are being reviewed for possible mental health disorders, with the prevailing diagnosis being PTSD. A big difference from previous wars, she said, is that 13 percent of those soldiers are women. [my em]


By the time this war is over, we'll have seriously screwed up a generation of young men and women. Bob Geiger has some statistics that might surprise you. Over the next ten years, the VA is going to be strained even farther than it is now.

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