Saturday, February 11, 2006

Air Heads

Via Memeorandum, the Air Force caves to the Jesus freaks, turning into a bunch of sky pilots. I wonder when they're gonna rename it Christian Aviators.

The Air Force, under pressure from evangelical Christian groups and members of Congress, softened its guidelines on religious expression yesterday to emphasize that superior officers may discuss their faith with subordinates and that chaplains will not be required to offer nonsectarian prayers.

"This does affirm every airman's right, even the commanders' right, to free exercise of religion, and that means sharing your faith," said Maj. Gen. Charles C. Baldwin, the Air Force's chief of chaplains. [my em]


And that means proseletyzing and pressure from above for cadets to accept the 'Christian way'. It's a crock of horseshit and is detrimental to the good order and discipline. I wonder if being 'Christian' is a requirement for the missilemen (you know, the guys who launch the ICBMs) nowadays? Gotta have 'people you can trust' with their fingers on the button, don't ya?

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