Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Bake sales for body armor

Upon reading (probably at Grannyinsanity) that wounded Vet Lt. Rebrook was being charged for the body armor he "lost" in Iraq, John Aravosis of Americablog put out a call for donations to cover it. The effort succeeded.

Wow, you guys were amazing. In just two hours, we raised over $5,000, with over 180 donations ranging from $1 to $400 (average donation was around $20, so this really was a community effort).

Here's to hoping that some day we won't need virtual body armor bake sales to help provide for our service members in Iraq.

Editor & Publisher has more:

"We liberal folk may disagree with the Bush administration over the reasons for going to war and over how they're fighting this war," he declared, "but one thing you'd expect no disagreement over would be the treatment of our soldiers. They fight for their country and they deserve some respect in return. And that means not charging them for their body armor because someone blew them up on the battlefield."

Why do you think the Captain always goes down with his ship?

I think the only disagreement on how we treat our soldiers comes from the Pentagon and DoD. It looks like the "Liberal traitors" are doing a better job.

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