Thursday, February 9, 2006

'Bureaucratic SNAFU' or CYA?

Following up on yesterday's post about Lt. Rebrook who was charged for "losing" body armor when he was wounded, CNN has this:

A former Army soldier will be reimbursed after he was required to pay for his equipment when he was wounded in Iraq, a military spokesman said Wednesday.

The statement also said, "There is no question that [Rebrook] should not have to pay for the body armor of his that was destroyed in Iraq."

But that development came after the matter garnered national attention Tuesday when a West Virginia newspaper reported Rebrook's story.

On Wednesday, the Army said Rebrook would not have been asked to pay the money if he had filled out two required forms.

Those comments drew an angry rebuke from Rebrook's father, Edward Rebrook of Charleston, West Virginia.

"That is a lie," the soldier's father told CNN. "It's a case of CYA by the Army."

Bureaucratic SNAFU? CYA? My military experience tells me it's both, but without the publicity the EllTee woulda been SOL for his money.

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