Saturday, February 11, 2006

Clay pigeons

Elaborating on Gord's entry last night, you know what happens to clay pigeons on the skeet range:


Two of the elected officials referred to in Friday's filings have been identified in published reports as Reps. Steven LaTourette, R-Ohio, and Don Young, R-Alaska. According to Roll Call, a Capitol Hill newspaper, the two representatives wrote to the GSA in September 2002, urging the agency to give preferential treatment to groups such as Indian tribes when evaluating development proposals for the Old Post Office.


Friday's filings by prosecutors refer to a third member of Congress, Rep. Shelly Moore Capito, R-W.Va. Her name appears in e-mails that suggest she was trying to help Abramoff secure a GSA lease for land in Silver Spring for a religious school.


Too bad, so sad. Three more Republicans under investigation thanks to Abramoff. Heh...the hits just keep on comin'. Tell me again how the Republican Party is not an organized criminal enterprise?

Tip o' the Brain to the Left Coaster.

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