Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Dead Man Talking

Josh Holland puts a hopeful spin on the SOTU blatherfest:

George Bush is hanging by a thread. As he gamed his way through his fifth State of the Union Speech last night, it was clear that his is a presidency laying in ruin. Except for a reactionary judiciary that will be his continuing legacy -- pushed past the too-little, too-late efforts of a limp Democratic Party -- Bush has no accomplishments he can look forward to in the next three years.

George is dead, spun-out of spin, yet like his zombie followers he just keeps on talking.

Much description of said zombie-speech follows.

That's it. That's all he had. After five years running the country, without a single policy he could point to that hasn't turned out to be a failure George Bush has only one thing left to say: "My presidency is finished."

He's right. He should just quit being president cuz it's too hard and go home and clear brush.

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