Saturday, February 11, 2006

Dogs rule

As you know, I love all animals, but especially dogs. I've had a dog all my life, starting from my Beagle, Fritz, when I was a little kid, to my German Shepherd, George, who was my best friend through two marriages and 6 years on active duty, to our current Princess Shayna*, the Australian Cattle Dog. They all have one thing in common. They're all shelter dogs.

Pedigree, the pet food people, and the American Humane Association are running a drive to get shelter dogs adopted into good homes. Did you know 7000 dogs are euthanized every day because there is no place to keep them? The website makes it very plain:

Life on the streets is no fun. Especially when you're there because you lost your best friend. Untold numbers of dogs are "orphaned" each year - lost, abandoned, or worse, abused and left to fend for themselves.

While political contributions are important, see if you can earmark some funds for the AHA. Also the North Shore Animal League [Where we got Shayna. - F-man] does incredible work in animal rescue and adoption. Our best friends can't do it themselves. Why not make room in your home for a shelter dog? If the logistics don't allow it, toss these dedicated folks some coin.

*Pic added for cuteness and the fact I missed Friday Cattle Dog Blogging yesterday.

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