Friday, February 10, 2006

I'm gonna remember

To those of you who support the rape of our nation by the Republicans. Not the under- or mis-informed who voted for Bush twice, you've come to your senses by now, or will by Election Day. No, I'm talking about the Kool-Aid drinking hate mongers, willfully aiding the Republican cause. I'm gonna remember.

Someday, the Dems or maybe a 3rd Party, will be in control of the government once again. One day, the crooks and sycophants will be out of the government and reality (or as close to it that can be acheived in Washington) will prevail. And I'm gonna remember.

I'm gonna remember how you spread the lies, how you enabled these criminals to turn a nation to be proud of into a paraiah. I'm gonna remember how you called for war in Iraq, supported it in some childish, Rambo-esque sexual fantasy that somehow makes you a man. I'm gonna remember how you advocated genocide - "nuke all them ragheads", "nuke Mecca" - how you give a shit for the lives of anyone who isn't white and 'christian', or who wears the uniform of this country. I'm gonna remember how you tried to curtail my free speech by calling me a traitor because I stand up for what is right and I'm gonna remember how you advocated giving an incompetent President the power of a monarch.

In the past 5 years you've hurt this nation more than any outside enemy, more than the terrorists did on 9/11, and I'm not gonna let you get away with it. When this ship of state is righted, I will not let anyone forget it was you who contributed to swamping it. You may peel the 'Bush/Cheney 04' bumpersticker off your car, but I'll be there to remind folks you displayed it proudly once upon a time.

I will do my best to jam you up at every opportunity, make sure any successes in your future are small and your failures extraordinary. I will go out of my way to see you are marginalized by the Reality-based Community and that your opinions and proclimations are ridiculed and dismissed. You and your ilk will never have control of this country again and I'll fight until my last breath to make it so. You've proven you are not up to the task.

We'll talk again in November.

And just something to keep in the back of your tiny minds as you continue your inept, murderous rampage on the Constitution. The French had their own way of dealing with collaborators after the Nazis were vanquished. Be glad this is America and some of us do believe in the principles this great nation was founded upon.


This is one I'm never gonna let off the hook.

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