Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Iraq Vet shot by pussy cop


Responding to a dramatic videotape of a police shooting, federal officials opened an investigation Tuesday into the conduct of a San Bernardino County sheriff's deputy who opened fire on a man who appeared to be following the deputy's order to get off the ground.

At one point, a voice on the tape appears to say "Stay on the ground." A moment later, however, the deputy appears to tell Carrion: "Get up, get up."

"I'm going to get up," Carrion replied as he began to rise from a crouch. As he did so, the deputy, who was standing a few feet away, fired multiple rounds.

Carrion, a U.S. Air Force security officer who had recently returned from duty in Iraq, was hit in the chest, shoulder and leg. He was listed in good condition Tuesday at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Colton.

The cops say they chased these guys because they were speeding. Let's see - two young guys in a Corvette. If I was a young guy with a Corvette, I'd speed, so OK, I'll buy it, but it could have been two young Mexican guys in a Corvette that touched it off as well. We will see.

The guys fucked up by running, sure. I'm sure the cop thought he had a coupla real desperado car thieves.

Shooting somebody is damn serious business, not to be taken lightly. It's obvious the cop didn't take time to aim or Mr. Carrion would be dead. It's as if he panicked. Something failed him at a crucial moment, whether his character or his training I have no idea. Probably both. I don't want people like that running around with a badge and a gun with the power of life and death over me.

I saw the video. All the cop had to do if he was worried was take a step or two backwards to give him time to re-evaluate the situation. If that cop tries to use the "I was scared for my life" defense against an unarmed man who was following orders and didn't appear to be threatening him, then that cop's a fuckin' pussy who doesn't have the necessary intestinal fortitude or judgment skills to be a cop.

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