Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Iraqi Army

I posted on them the other day. More today from Dr. Attaturk:

About six months ago it was admitted that there was but ONE IRAQI batallion capable of fighting on its own without the United States help. But Rummy et al said "hey they are really progressing in their training".

Then a few weeks ago we heard that after all these months of training it was again admitted that there was still but ONE IRAQI batallion capable of fighting on its own without the United States help.


And the news gets even BETTER a few weeks later when you find out a few weeks later that there are NO IRAQI batallions capable of fighting on their own without the United States help.

Altogether now....


So what; are we gonna be there forever or are we gonna cut and run? Seems like the only two options to me.


Lurch expands.

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