Sunday, February 19, 2006


I've had the idea for a post on the Repub mindset for a long time. Mainly because it boggles my mind how people can just suspend their disbelief so easily, for so long a period of time. Well, Driftglass wrote it for me.


But, there is an initial instant when the GOP squeezes out yet another lie smack in front of the whole world that's worth watching. That magical moment at the very beginning of the Republican Lie Cycle; when some High Ranking Bush flunky shambles onto the national dance floor, squats right down, and gives birth to another monster while the everyone watches.

And for a looong moment, the music stops, and a hush falls over the Party of Lincoln...because they quite simply do not know what to do.


Since they are unwilling or incapable of thinking for themselves -- many believing free and independent thought to be, in fact, a Snare set by the Devil -- when a glitch pops up, they return to their default setting of running in tight, panicked verbal circles, mindlessly screaming Liberals are LiarsLiarsLiars until they are told what to think and say and feel and blame by an Authorized Party Technician.

Which, in this case meant that Deadeye Dick had to sit still and at least pretend he was fielding real questions from a real reporter long enough to satisfy the minimum needs of the ritual. So that tomorrow or next week when Scotty Dog is "peppered" with questions from thirty yards away, he can say, "The Vice President already covered that" a million times.


If, by this time, they don't realize what is happening in this country, they deserve what the Chimp is doing to them. The thing is, the rest of us are getting screwed too and we see it happening before our eyes. 39% of this country is made up of delusional masochists and that scares the shit out of me.

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