Friday, February 3, 2006

The Mother of All Downing Street Memos?

David Corn at HuffPo on the memo I posted about last night:

To my thinking, this is a rather big deal. The president of the United States caught conspiring to create a modern-day version of the sinking of the Maine? Talk about an impeachable offense. I'm presuming the memo is legit. It was first obtained by British human rights lawyer Philippe Sands for a new version of his book, Lawless World. Sands is a friend of friends of mine. He is a trustworthy fellow, and I know that last year he did succeed in prying sensitive documents out of the British government concerning the legality -- or illegality -- of the invasion of Iraq. His sources were obviously British officials upset with the war. So my informed hunch is that this document is real. If so, how will the White House respond? Will members of the press corps at 1600 Pennsylvania press the point? This revelation -- which is more shocking than anything in the Downing Street Memos -- should be major news here. But will it?

Only if we push it, just like the DSM. It never would have seen the light of day in the media without a little assist and this one is the same kind of deal. It's just another arrow in the quivver of charges against these war criminals.

To be fair, I first heard about this on Keith Olbermann's 'Countdown'. Me and the other fifty people that watch it.

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