Monday, February 6, 2006

Mushroom clouds...again

The guy in the fancy suit takes a look at the escalation of the rhetoric toward Iran:

A mushroom cloud over Iran, that is. From U.S. low-yield "bunker buster" nuclear explosives.

Because, of course, we must nuke the planet to protect the planet from nukes.


Call me anti-Semitic if you will, but Badtux quotes my friend Lurch, with whom I wholeheartedly agree:


Iran MUST be defeated militarily. The Neocon plan calls for it. Israel must be defended to the last American.

And as the article (which you should read beginning to end) Gord's post last night points up, uber-Right Jews and Evangelical Christians have formed an alliance to push the 'neocon dream'. This scares me because I know there is probably more than one hawk in Israel who would love to nuke the shit out of Iran. Perle, Feith, Wolfowitz, and Frum are the ones who make policy here (regardless some of their little legal problems). You figure it out.


Wolcott sees it too:


Cockburn believes sanity will prevail. Lind sees the inmates still in control of the asylum. "In Washington, the same brilliant crowd who said invading Iraq would be a cakewalk is still in power. While a few prominent neocons have left the limelight, others remain highly influential behind the scenes. For them, the question is not whether to attack Iran (and Syria), but when. Their answer will be the same as Israel's."


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