Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Pack yer bags or STFU, O'Reilly

Following up on my previous post, it looks like "put up or shut up (yeah, like that'll happen)" time for Bill O'Reilly. Editor & Publisher's got the goods:

In a postscript to his regular New York Times column on Tuesday, Nicholas Kristof reveals that he has raised almost three-quarters of a million dollars from readers to send Fox News host Bill O'Reilly to troubled Darfur.

Today he noted that President Bush now seemed more interested in Darfur, and Olympian Joey Cheek had donated cash from his medals to help Darfur survivors. "So come on, Bill--and Oprah, and the rest of you on the little screen--and visit the world's most awful place," he suggested.

Hear, hear. Those folks' plight needs to get out to the wide audience. That may be something we could help fix without pissin' off the world. Given this administration's incompetence and ineptitude, it's a big maybe, but we ought to try. At least the good christians...

As far as O'Reilly goes, I'd like to assure him that his chances of being eaten by a lion or a crocodile are really pretty small. There's a chance he'll get his ass blown to smithereens by the janjaweed - they've never heard of him, after all. He's just another white meddler to them. There's some diseases and stuff, but I'm sure he has a good medical plan. Unlike the people he's going to see, I'm sure he'll get enough food and clean water.

I did hear that room service at the Darfur Hilton is kinda slow. Rough it, Billy boy, rough it.

My personal wish is that he just gets bit by a tsetse fly and goes to sleep for a while - like 20 years maybe. I'm not the vindictive sort.

Actually, Oprah's the best bet. People like and listen to her.

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