Wednesday, February 22, 2006


A thought:

Think about this: we are so afraid of terrorists, that we have to kidnap people and jail them in secret prisons, keep innocent people in Gitmo, listen to people's calls without wiretaps, and buy bulletproof vests for dogs.

Yet, when the UAE, a country which defines the word shady, wants to run US ports, we're bigots for opposing this? I have no problem with Arabs. I have a problem with people who enable terrorists. Why doesn't President Bush[?]


Okay, some Kool-Aid drinkers I know were spouting the White House line yesterday - 'they're an ally in the War on Terra', 'if the Brits could run our ports, why can't the Doobies (whatever the plural of Dubai is)?', 'what, you don't like them just because they're Ay-rabs?' - like good little Faux News zombies. My response: You're even dumber than you look.

Look, I don't like the idea of the British operating our front gates. And yes, just because they are Arabs shouldn't disqualify them. I agree. The facts of anyone's birth should not be a consideration in this nation, but the ones who are hailing this deal are the same folks who constantly yell we should kill all the Arabs and take their oil for ourselves. These are the same ones who support the war in Iraq, want to nuke Iran, are anti-abortion, and want to marginalize gays. Now you're getting all 'civil rights' on us? Kiss my big white ass.

You want to make a symbolic gesture of goodwill toward the Arab world? Begin negotiations with Hamas in Palestine, pull our troops out of Iraq, press your Saudi buddies to clean up their human rights record, warn Israel to behave itself with regard to the Palestinians. That will go a lot farther to promote goodwill in the Arab world than allowing a bunch of uber-rich businessmen in UAE to run our ports. Trust me, the Arab Street doesn't give a shit.

What you are watching now is the White House getting bitten in the ass by their own bullshit and rhetoric. When you scare the Americans so badly over the course of four years, only the morons in this country believe our ports will be safe on your say so.


Joe must go.

When even Bill Frist, Dennis Hastert and Fox News have abandoned him on the matter of the ports, Commander Codpiece knows that Joe Lieberman can always be counted upon for the public fluff.


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