Monday, February 13, 2006

Shoot me once...

I won't belabor this anymore, since Nina did such a good job last night, but a couple quotes from Jane struck me. This:


Update: Taylor wonders if the NRA is going to call Dick on his deplorable hunting protocol or thoroughly embarrass themselves in front of their membership by giving him a free pass. Interesting dilemma.

And this:


As Puppethead points out, "Cheney doesn't hunt. He goes to game farms and kills animals. It's similar to Bush's 'fishing' that involves heavily stocking the lake/pond/whatever for Bush. No sportsmanship at all (what a surprise)."


Rich old drunken farts blasting away at Tweety in a birdcage and thinking they're all butch. Yeah let's hear the one about how you're the big white bwana hunter again, Dick.

I know little girls in kindergarten with more stones than that.


Same goes for the Chimp dressing up in a flight suit and doing his 'Mission Accomplished' act. Little boys who get to 'play' at being men. Just a hint from a real man (I have references), you guys look like bigger wimps every day.


And just a question. Do you really think Vice President Fudd did this 'accidentally'? Personally, I have my doubts, but I gave up believing anything that comes out of 1600 a long time ago.


Heh... Now I'm done. I gotta get to work.

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