Friday, February 10, 2006

The Sopranos

Man, there's a lotta shit flyin' in courtrooms, investigations, and newsrooms inside the ol' Beltway today. I can't remember the last time I saw fingers pointin' in so many directions at once and so many heads a-shakin', "Not me. Iss not my yob! Ees hees fault!". I guess instead of takin' the bullet like they were supposed to, they'd rather spread the slugs around.

Brownie's tellin' who knew what and when they knew it, and who kept him from doing what he should have. Note to Brownie: I know you had experience with tragedies and disasters in the Arabian horse world such as when they break a leg, but you can't solve the problems of thousands of people in a major city in the same manner by shooting them in the head! That doesn't solve the horse's problem, just yours.

Abramoff's tellin' how many times he met with Bush at parties and such. He's got the photos. They'll be showin' up soon I betcha.

A new CIA voice is telling reporters Bush had decided to go to war no matter what. Hey, the more the merrier.

On top of Libby droppin' many dimes on Cheney.

I wish I knew how to put little musical symbols on this thing: "The Hill is alive, with the sound of music..."

Couple all that with the Chimp gettin' dumped on by ministers, ex-Presidents, and others at Mrs. King's funeral, and his job approval numbers, it's been a pretty good week.

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