Tuesday, February 28, 2006

UAE is a big arms buyer

From IPS News Agency:

The United Arab Emirates (UAE), the centre of a growing controversy over its proposed management of U.S. port terminals, is one of the world's most prolific arms buyers and a multi-billion-dollar military market both for the United States and Western Europe.

The delivery of 80 U.S.-built F-16 E/F fighter planes -- described as one of the biggest single arms packages to a Middle Eastern nation and finalised back in March 2000 -- is to be completed only in 2007.

U.S. President George W. Bush's threat to veto any attempts to block last week's deal permitting a state-owned UAE company to take over the management of six U.S. port terminals has underlined the significance of the political and military relationship between the two countries.

In other words, Bush's family and friends are getting richer and richer and the Hell with us.

"If I had to hazard a guess on the potential impact of the current imbroglio, there will be increased interest on the part of the UAE military to move to further arms source diversification" -- and away from relying too heavily on the United States.

I think I am beginning to see the light: The UAE pays cash. The same Military-Industrial corporations that are making a bundle off U.S. taxpayers via the criminality in Iraq have found a customer and are getting a ton of our oil payouts as well. This has Carlyle Group (aka Daddy Bush and his buddies) written all over it as does this:

Connecting Dubai Ports World, the Carlyle Group, CSX, John Snow, and David Sanborn

This is too convoluted for words. Just go read. We may have to change our name to the United American Emirate. It looks like we're not only being sold out and down the river, but we're being bought with our own money.

We're the gravy train, and Bush doesn't want to fuck it up. At first, he was gonna keep it quiet 'til it was too late to stop it, then claim he didn't know about it. Now that it's been made public, he has to do whatever it takes to make it happen. He's got his orders.

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