Monday, February 27, 2006


The Guard is in trouble.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 26 - Governors of both parties said Sunday that Bush administration policies were stripping the National Guard of equipment and personnel needed to respond to hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, forest fires and other emergencies.


The governors said they would present their concerns to President Bush and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld on Monday. In a preview of their message, all 50 governors signed a letter to the president opposing any cuts in the size of the National Guard.

"Unfortunately," the letter said, "when our National Guard men and women return from being deployed in foreign theaters, much of their equipment remains behind." The governors said the White House must immediately re-equip Guard units "to carry out their homeland security and domestic disaster duties."


After Iraq, the response to future disasters will be about the same as it was to Katrina. Do you think most of these Guardsmen who come back from Iraq will re-up or get out after facing family or financial ruin doing something they didn't sign up to do? It's a good bet the Iraq War has already destroyed the National Guard and the active duty force is next.

Thanks to ReddHedd for the link.

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