Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Watch the Mighty Wurlitzer Start

Following up on Fixer's post, The Left Coaster chimes in on the RS3M* follow-up to Mrs. King's funeral.

President Bush was humiliated at Coretta Scott King's funeral yesterday by Reverend Lowery and the thunderous applause for the Clintons. What the blogosphere has termed The Mighty Wurlitzer just got cranked up in response, for public, televised put-downs of The Almighty George cannot be countenanced under any circumstances.

The Wurlitzer - talk right radio, backed up by cable TV news and eventually harmonized with network news - will endlessly blather on for the next 48 hours how uncouth, crude, and disrespectful-of-all-that-is-decent those liberals and democrats were yesterday at the funeral; semi-freaks like that surely can't accurately reflect the All America Love that the US basks in for Bush.

This ol' semi-freak just fuckin' loves to watch all the brouhaha!

Go read. Coupla links.

*RS3M: Republican Spin, Slime, & Smear Machine. "The Mighty Wurlitzer" works good too.

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