Tuesday, February 7, 2006

What's wrong

The NRA and the American gun industry are getting way out of hand. I believe in the right to keep and bear, but if hunting is supposed to be a sport, why not let the prey get a bit closer?

Who needs a gun that is accurate to more than a mile, can down an airliner on take-off or landing, and can penetrate steel plating? If you're the gun lobby and its friends in the firearms industry, the answer is simple: sportsmen! If you're law enforcement, the answer is equally simple: terrorists.


Personally, I don't get hunting but I see the need so have at it. But I don't see a need for some yahoo to be better equipped than a Marine Expeditionary Force. Last I heard, bear and deer don't shoot back.

I'm tired of the NRA horseshit and what the gun industry, from top to bottom, has been able to get away with. It's time some serious controls are enacted before this lassez faire attitude will bite us in the ass. The days of Jesse James and Wyatt Earp are over. At least those guys were close enough to look into the eyes of the men they killed.

Tip: You wanna protect your home? Buy a pump action shotgun with a pistol grip if possible and the shortest barrel for ease of movement in close quarters. You don't need to be accurate, just able to fill the space in front of you with BBs. Load your first round with small bird shot, the next with 00-buckshot. If whoever is trying to break in doesn't get the hint with the first shot, the second will blow his chest open.

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