Thursday, March 2, 2006

Anybody who tells you it couldn't possibly get worse is a fool

Molly Ivins is in a ramblin' mood today in a piece about the cost of Bush's incompetence.

And now comes a curious new contract for KBR, the Halliburton subsidiary. The contract provides for establishing temporary detention and processing capabilities to augment existing Immigration and Custom enforcement. It's a contingency contract -- the contingency they have in mind apparently being "in the event of an emergency influx of immigrants into the United States." Canadians drowning from global warming? Mexicans feeling the return of PRI? Ah, but the contract also specifies the detention centers are to "support the rapid development of new programs." New programs? Far be it from me to speculate.

The alarmmeisters in the blogosphere, whose imaginations know no bounds, are already positing any number of horrors. (I cannot imagine where they get some of these far-out ideas. From reading the right-wing blogosphere?) What surprises me is that the administration has planned for ... whatever it is it's planning for. How forethoughtful of them to have something in place in case ... a lot of citizens need to be rounded up or something.

Me 'n Fixer have kinda had our hearts set on warm tropical breezes, scantily clad brown skinned beauties, and big rum drinks with little umbrellas. They'll probably close down Gitmo just before they round us up, and we'll get to spend winter in a camp in North Dakota. That's like a gulag in Siberia without the charm.

One of the problems we have here is that in order to fix a mistake, it is first necessary to recognize that you've made one. But we're dealing with George W. Bush. We should be getting ready for three Katrinas next year, but first the administration would have to recognize that global warming is taking place.

One of the most discouraging morsels of news in recent days is that President Bush was so enchanted by Michael Crichton's novel purportedly debunking global warming that he asked Crichton to the White House to chat with him. HELP! Why can't we ever get a break? Think what would happen if the president read the "The Da Vinci Code."

Now there's a comforting thought! Gee thanks, Molly. I guess it's a blessing sometimes that Chimpy's head hurts when he reads, unless there's pictures.

Hmmm. Winter in North Dakota might be warmer than I thought, and it's a long way from the rising oceans, but the 'brown skinned beauties' up there are cows! I hope they have milk crates. Or at least milking stools.

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