Monday, March 20, 2006

Chavez is no shrinking violet...

Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela and more probably democratically elected than Bush, has a few things to say about him:

"You are a donkey, Mr. Bush," said Chavez, speaking in English on his weekly Sunday broadcast.

"You're an alcoholic Mr. Danger, or rather, you're a drunkard," Chavez said, referring to Bush by a nickname he frequently uses to describe the U.S. president.

For once, I wish he had spoken in Spanish because I fear there might have been something lost in his translation. The word asno can mean ass, donkey, or jackass. Mulo or macho can be taken as "mule-headed". The feminine mula is a slang term for "prostitute". Burro, of course, is the gender-neutral offspring of a horse and a mule, and I've seen his parents. Oh, Hell, I guess they all fit.

He's dead on about the other one: Borracho is a lot better fit than alcoholico. Bush is more a stumble-bum drunk than an addict. Ain't we the lucky ones?

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