Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Feingold Effect

Jane sez:


If you're fighting a war you intend to win, you never. Ever. Say. That. Ever. So when token Democrats like Eleanor Clift step up and say Feingold's actions help the GOP, it can only be reflective of what Digby articulates so well: individuals (not the party) who have decided their lives will be made easier if they just stop resisting, lie back and learn to enjoy being throttled. Russ Feingold's fight -- our fight -- makes it uncomfortable for them to do that. Is there any other reason why they should be oh so much more exasperated with our exasperation than with, say, the President himself?


Feingold's actions are not helping the GOP, it's scaring them shitless. An excellent post about what Russ' censure resolution does do for the GOP and it's time the Dems woke to the fact before they fuck up the opportunity they've been given.

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