Friday, March 3, 2006


I know where David's coming from:


The outcome of all that - I'm not sure how to say what I'm gonna say, so I guess the best thing is to be blunt - is this:

I am renouncing my country.

The Democrats will not save us in 2008, assuming one gets elected and assuming we'll even have an election. They will not save us even if they take back Congress and the Presidency. Nothing can undo what the Bush administration has wrought on the world in a four-year term. The cure would be so harsh, shocking, and devastating that any politicians who tried would be thrown out of office.

It cannot be be undone.


Oh man I was in a bad mood. But not any more, because the upshot of all that angst and anger and gnashing of teeth was this: I've decided to leave the US.

Not now, not this year, but before 2010, sooner if certain things give evidence that escape might be harder, such as any requirement of permission to leave like the Soviet exit visa, freezing of assets or prohibition on international movement of funds, confiscation of gold and personal arms, and the like.


I've thought about this a lot since the '04 elections. My family home in a little town in Germany is a tempting move. Paris also beckons, as does the Alsace, but I'm here for the duration. If it gets too bad we'll leave, but not when there's a chance we can win and restore...not restore because then we'd be going backwards...lead this nation forward into its bright potential future. While my faith in my fellow Americans to do what's right has been severely tested over the past half decade, I still see glimmers of hope, over the past few weeks especially. I'm praying it won't come to, as David puts it:

...It will take a peoples' insurrection to save this country. A second American Revolution...

But if it does, I'm there. Hell, I took an oath to defend the Constitution and I always figured I'd go out in a blaze of glory. Beats dying in your sleep. What did Patrick Henry say? America is worth saving. Liberty or Death, pick one.

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