Thursday, March 16, 2006

I told ya so...

I'm usually not one to say that, especially in a team setting where all should learn from missteps and move on to better things. However, after being called a traitor, unAmerican, a terrorist sympathizer because I disagreed with this President over the 'War on Terra' and the illegal war in Iraq, let alone the rotten domestic policy moves, it's nice to be vindicated. I told you so, you idiots.


"Do you all remember Scott Ritter, you know, the former chief U.N. weapons inspector who played chief stooge for Saddam Hussein? Well, Mr. Ritter actually told a French radio network that - quote, "The United States is going to leave Baghdad with its tail between its legs, defeated." Sorry, Scott. I think you've been chasing the wrong tail, again.


That was from the twit Joe Scarborough. No, Joe, you imbecile, Scott knew what he was talking about then, just as we vets who know something about the combat disciplines. You see, while all the amateurs talk 'strategy and tactics', the people who know talk 'logistics'. Ask a bunch of combat vets how hard it it to keep an occupying army on the ground without them turning into targets. Blood is thicker than water and Shi'ite and Sunni are Iraqis first and we'll always be Infidels.

It's all well and good to envision an ending that has us hailed as liberators, but I think France in World War Two was the only time it happened. Every other place we've 'liberated' now says 'Yankee go home'.

If you're gonna read history, you have to understand it too. The U.S didn't enter WW2 to become a colonial power. To see parallels to Iraq, you have to draw on the British, and French, colonial pursuits and our incursion into Vietnam when the French threw up their hands after 3rd Parachute Regiment died at Dien Bien Phu. Yes, Vietnam was supposed to have become a client-state of the West against the scourge of Communism. As much a colony as U.S. public opinion would allow. Too bad McNamara didn't get it either.

All these clowns, if they read history at all, certainly don't understand it. Yes, I, and a whole bunch of people smarter than me, told you so and you refused to listen. Guys like Scarborough are accomplice to the incompetent idiots who fucked this nation to Hell. Thing is, we have all your statements on record. Like MJS says:


Funny thing about the Internet: it's a great way to keep track of what was said by who, and when and where. Bloody Internet! Bloody Information Highway! Bloody Computers!


When it's time for a reckoning, I hope you all pay the price.

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