Monday, March 27, 2006

Let's see...

What did he say last week? "No President wants to go to war." Lying sack of shit. Our esteemed colleague and pal Sizemore points me here:


But behind closed doors, the president was certain that war was inevitable. During a private two-hour meeting in the Oval Office on Jan. 31, 2003, he made clear to Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain that he was determined to invade Iraq without the second resolution, or even if international arms inspectors failed to find unconventional weapons, said a confidential memo about the meeting written by Mr. Blair's top foreign policy adviser and reviewed by The New York Times.


The war in Iraq was destined to happen before the 2000 elections. 9/11 was a gift from Allah, allowing them to pull off their subterfuge. And you know something, the more we learn about this administration's dishonesty, it wouldn't surprise me if it were found they actually allowed 9/11 to happen after that 6 Aug 2001 brief warned Condi of the possibility. Tinfoil hat or no, I wouldn't put it past 'em.


The lovely Jillian says what I've been thinking for years:


now if we could get awol to go sleep with someone other than laura so that politicians and the american public will pay attention.

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