Friday, March 3, 2006

More on 'brown skinned beauties'

I love it when a big-time blogger like The Rude Pundit expands on an idea from one of my posts:

Since he was a young man in Midland, the President has had a favorite cow. Indeed, he used to fuck a particularly sassy hereford heifer in the barn on his family property. Young George thought it was love; indeed, love would never be as pure for George, even if sometimes Laura puts on the rubber udders for him to fondle. Jeb found out about it, spying on his brother through a knothole in the old red-painted wood, and, being a particularly enterprising Bush, he started charging the neighbor kids a buck a peek. It's the reason why so many particularly incompetent and/or evil people from Texas seem to have positions of great power in the Bush administration: if a man has watched you fuck a cow, you better treat that man well.

Where can I get one of those 'rubber udders'? If I stuck it on a bull, I bet I could fool Fixer into...

Naturally, I'm only kidding. I would never do that to Fixer. That's a disclaimer so I don't have to have someone else start my car for me.

In the right sidebar next to the above paragraph at the Rude One's are the words "Coulter's Snatch". Click it if you got a strong stomach.

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