Thursday, March 23, 2006

Only in New York

Or, Car 54, Where Are You?

(New York-AP, March 22, 2006) - It took a police helicopter and sharpshooters armed with tranquilizer guns to catch a wily coyote in Central Park Wednesday, and it took a few sightings and a couple of spirited chases before he was captured.


Thank God criminals are dumber than cops. Dealing with such a superior intellect had 'em stumped. Heh...

It's just another example of why I love living in NY. The only people who were fazed by a coyote in Central Park (look at a map of NYC and figure out how he got there from one of the upstate counties) were the ones who own little dogs who'd qualify as a meal for the wild animal. Everybody else took it right in stride.

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