Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Smurfs or Snorks?

Go read what Riverbend has to say after three years of Bush's War in her country.

I don't think anyone imagined three years ago that things could be quite this bad today. The last few weeks have been ridden with tension. I'm so tired of it all - we're all tired.

Three years and the electricity is worse than ever. The security situation has gone from bad to worse. The country feels like it's on the brink of chaos once more - but a pre-planned, pre-fabricated chaos being led by religious militias and zealots.

My electricity's OK, but the rest sounds a lot like here, huh? Fundies are fundies, crescent or cross.

In the last weeks alone, thousands have died in senseless violence and the American and Iraqi army bomb Samarra as I write this. The sad thing isn't the air raid, which is one of hundreds of air raids we've seen in three years - it's the resignation in the people. They sit in their homes in Samarra because there's no where to go. Before, we'd get refugees in Baghdad and surrounding areas... Now, Baghdadis themselves are looking for ways out of the city... out of the country. The typical Iraqi dream has become to find some safe haven abroad.

Three years later and the nightmares of bombings and of shock and awe have evolved into another sort of nightmare. The difference between now and then was that three years ago, we were still worrying about material things - possessions, houses, cars, electricity, water, fuel... It's difficult to define what worries us most now. Even the most cynical war critics couldn't imagine the country being this bad three years after the war... Allah yistur min il rab3a (God protect us from the fourth year).

I think sometimes when we're denouncing Bush's War as lies, dead American troops, horrendous wasteful expense, and Neocon and Muslim ideology gone mad and out of control, we lose sight of the fact that there's actual normal human beings that are suffering way worse than we are because of it.

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